In Boards, Commissions and Committees:
Historic and Design Advisory Committee
Open until filled - two unexpired 3-year terms
Position Objectives This is a seven member Board appointed by the Selectboard for three-year overlapping terms. There is are two open positions available, one for an unexpired term through June 30, 2026 and the other through June 30, 2027. Qualifications: Must have a demonstrated interest, competence or knowledge in historic preservation. Professionals from the following disciplines are strongly encouraged to apply (residency in Williston not required): historic preservation, history, archeology, architectural history, architecture and historical architecture, or related disciplines such as urban planning, American studies, American civilization, cultural geography, or cultural anthropology. The HAAC meets on first and third Tuesdays at 5:30 pm on Zoom and in-person. Meetings are no more than 90 minutes.