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Development Review Board
Open until filled - 3-year term & Alternate position

Position Objectives

The Williston Development Review Board (DRB) meets at 7:00 PM on second and fourth Tuesdays every month. The DRB consists of a 7-member Board and 1 alternate appointed by the Selectboard for staggered three-year terms. The role of the DRB is to apply the Unified Development Bylaw (WDB) to proposed projects, with recommendations from the two advisory boards: Conservation Commission (WCC) and Historic and Design Advisory Commission (HDAC), as applicable. This includes site plan and subdivision review. The Board also reviews Certificates of Appropriateness in the Village Zoning District, and appeals of Zoning Administrator decisions.

Two vacancies:
  1. Regular Seat, 3-year term from FY2025-2027 (July 1, 2024-June 30, 2027).
  2. Alternate Seat, 3-year term from FY2025-2027 (July 1, 2024-June 30, 2027).
    The alternate can attend all hearings, but may only vote when a regular member is absent or recuses. 

Recommended Reading:

DRB Logistics and Process 

  • DRB meetings begin at 7:00pm and typically run 2-2.5 hours, but sometimes up to 3.5 hours. In-person attendance is strongly encouraged (Zoom attendance is okay sometimes). 
  • The DRB is provided with a staff report that compares each application to the bylaw for compliance and provides a draft decision (findings of fact, conclusions of law, and conditions of approval). On the Thursday before a hearing, staff reports posted online and physical packets available for pick up (night/weekend pick up is available). The packets also have application materials including 11x17 civil plan sets. 
  • DRB meetings include a public hearing for each application. A hearing is a quasi-judicial proceeding (i.e. like court). Applicants and commenting public provide their name and address for the record and direct their testimony to the DRB chair. The DRB hears the staff report and takes testimony from the applicant and the public. If more information is needed (infrequent), the DRB may continue the hearing to a date certain. Once the hearing is closed, the DRB enters a closed deliberative session (just DRB and staff; a recused member exit the room) to discuss the testimony and, if necessary, modify the findings of fact, conclusions of law, and/or conditions of approval. At the end of the meeting, the DRB reenters public session and takes a vote (one DRB member makes/reads the motion, another seconds, then non-recused members vote). 
  • It is extremely rare for the DRB to deny an application. Planning staff advise prospective applicants on the requirements of the WDB and inform them if their proposal is outright deniable or if significant modifications needed before they submit an application. 

To learn more about the work of the DRB you can visit its webpage, or contact Erin Dickinson, HR Coordinator and Assistant to the Town Manager and she can connect you with a staff member to discuss the role of the Board and its membership in greater detail. Erin can be reached at edickinson@willistonvt.org or 802-876-1176.

Duties and Responsibilities
  • Administer the Unified Development Bylaw, with assistance from town staff
  • Attend 2 meetings per month. Meetings are typically 2-3 hours and seldom longer than 3 hours. 
  • Review agenda materials prior to a meeting (packets are mailed and posted online the Thursday/Friday before a meeting) 

Desirable Training and Experience

Strongly preferred, but not required: 

  • Ability to read land surveys, topographic maps, aerial photographs, construction drawings, land development plans, and maps
  • Experience in architecture, engineering, land surveying, construction, wildlife or wetlands ecology, legal professions, or other related field
  • Experience with the interpretation and administration of duly-adopted regulatory documents, similar or comparable to the Unified Development Bylaw

How to Apply

Click here to apply online or

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