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Jacob-Krantz Property


Peter Jacob and Lloyd Krantz donated a 29-acre parcel of land to the Town of Williston, closing the transaction on January 3, 2018. The parcel is located in northwestern Williston, to the east of Morgan Parkway and adjacent to the Winooski River. The parcel has high conservation and recreational values, and the Town of Williston and the Winooski Valley Park District (WVPD) are exploring a transaction that would deed the park to WVPD. If this occurs, WVPD would develop it into a natural area, preserved in perpetuity, with a trail system and public access.


The potential of the Jacob-Krantz parcel as a recreational asset is high: 

  • The parcel is located in an area that is rapidly developing and in need of accessible green space;

  • The park offers a diverse landscape with ridgeline, floodplain forest, wetlands, shoreline, and a tributary stream;

  • The dense forested habitat abuts a river corridor featuring a broad variety of wildlife species;

  • The public has already been using the site for informal trails and has done some maintenance over time to keep trails open;

  • The park is already a 4-season destination for local walkers and birders;

  • The trail system will offer enough variety and distance to accommodate multiple uses and accommodate differing abilities;

  • The park will serve three adjacent neighborhoods;

  • There is the potential of creating a parking lot and formal trailhead to expand public access.



The Jacob-Krantz parcel has been rated as a “top priority” by the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources BioFinder system.  This means that based on a wide range of data, the conservation value of the Jacob parcel is rated at the highest level.

More information about this project is available in the documents linked below.






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