Shrub Willow Harvesting Program
In 2010 the Williston Conservation Commission began a shrub willow harvesting program where live cuttings are harvested from native shrub willow trees that are growing wildly throughout Williston. These willow cuttings will be used to supplement stream bank restoration projects along Williston’s own Allen Brook, Muddy Brook, and Sucker Brook. Harvesting cuttings from wild shrub willows eliminates the need for the town to purchase willow cuttings from nurseries, therefore making stream restoration work in Williston more cost-effective. Why shrub willows? Shrub willows tend to grow in wet areas especially wet meadows created by beaver activity. This specific kind of tree is important for stream restoration because it is hardy, fast growing, adaptive to beaver abuse, and has an extensive root system making it one of the best plants for stabilizing stream banks. Please contact the Planning Office at (802) 878-6704 if you think you have shrub willow on your property and are interested in participating in the program. |