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Budget Structure

The three basic divisions that exist in the Town of Williston overall budget are the General Fund Operating, the Capital budget, and the Equipment Fund.

a)      Operating Budget - The operating budget consists of expenses that are generally of a recurring nature and are appropriated only for a single year. Most direct and indirect expenses relating to the operation of each department are included within each departmental budget.  

b)      Capital Budget - The capital budget, however, includes one-time costs for projects that possess a useful life in excess of a year. Williston includes capital expenditures for office equipment and related routine capital purchases in its operating budget. The Capital Budget is prepared using the following principles:

  • Only major infrastructure improvements and major capital expenses are included in the capital budget.
  • A six-year program for infrastructure capital improvements will be updated annually including anticipated funding sources.
  • Capital projects financed through the issuance of bonds will be financed for a period not to exceed the useful life of the project.
  • The Town will coordinate the development of the capital budget with the development of the operating budget. As such, future operating costs associated with new capital projects will be forecast and included in operating budget forecasts.
  • The Town will preserve all its assets at a level adequate to protect its capital investment and minimize future maintenance and replacement costs.
  • The Town will establish an appropriate distribution of bonded debt and cash financing in the funding of capital projects.
c)      Equipment Fund - Within the Capital Budget, a separate Equipment Fund has been established.  This fund is used only to replace existing equipment.  Annual contributions are budgeted for this fund so that sufficient funds are in the Equipment Fund to replace each piece of equipment once that equipment reaches the end of its useful life.  Vehicles are considered major equipment and are covered by this fund.
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