Williston photos
History of Lake

Lake Iroquois (formerly known as Hinesburg pond) is a eutrophic kettle pond located in a valley between Dow and Magee Hills on the east, and Mount Prichard on the west.  It lies in the Lake Champlain watershed.

The lake was formed after the last ice coverage in Vermont receded about 15,000 years ago.  Over the years, the lake has naturally become more eutrophic, and it has been the site of significant human development and use in the last 150 years.  A dam built on the lake’s outlet in the mid-1800s was used to control the water supply to mills downstream in Hinesburg.  Around the 1960s the dam was intentionally cemented in its top position, keeping the pond at an artificially high level throughout the year. The outflow of the lake is over the dam in the south end.  The outlet stream flows into a lower pond in Hinesburg, into the LaPlatte River and then to Lake Champlain.

The primary purpose of this was to ensure mills downstream in Hinesburg could have a more constant supply of water. The ruins of these mills can still be seen today off of Mill Rd. in Hinesburg.

In 1991-2, with the help of Local, State, and Federal funds,the land surrounding the Beach and fishing acess was purchased. After the purchase of the property, a new snack bar and playground were built. More recently, by connecting several of the logging roads and trails, a 1.3 mile hiking trail was cleared, and is open to the public for free, even during Beach Hours. During the off-season, the Beach is a popular fishing spot, especially on spring nights when the Bullheads are biting.

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