When: 7:00 PM on Tuesday, October 24, 2023
Where: In-person and virtual participation options
Click here for Zoom instructions and DRB contact information.
DP 23-11.1 Jared Enterprises c/o Robert Lake requests discretionary permit review of a proposed amendment to the conditions of DP 23-11, which require an end-of-trip facility for the previously approved limited service eating place at 21 Commerce Street in the Industrial Zoning District West (IZDW).
DP 23-11.2 Jared Enterprises c/o Robert Lake requests discretionary permit review of a master sign plan for 21-67 Commerce Street in the Industrial Zoning District West (IZDW).
DP 24-04 Timothy Brisson requests discretionary permit review of a boundary line adjustment to transfer 5.27± acres from a 10.37± acre lot to an adjacent 8.36± acre lot resulting in one (1) 5.1± acre lot and one (1) 13.63± acre lot and create road frontage for a landlocked parcel at 2268 Mountain View Road in the Residential Zoning District (RZD).
DP 24-06 Pre-App Rivers Edge Building Development Co., LLC c/o Tom Sheppard requests pre-application review of a proposed subdivision on a ±97-acre parcel owned by Jacob “Jack” and Caitlin Glaser at the southwest corner of Mountain View Road and Old Stage Road in the Residential Zoning District (RZD). The application includes three (3) concept layouts. Plan 1: 130 proposed dwelling units; Plan 2 180 proposed dwelling units; Plan 3: 109 dwelling units per Glaser Specific Plan (requires approval from Williston Selectboard).
Documents submitted with an application for DRB review and comment letters are uploaded to the website as a courtesy to the public and are not necessarily current and complete.