When: 7:00 PM on Tuesday, June 27, 2023
Where: In-person and virtual participation options
Click here for Zoom instructions and DRB contact information.
DP 09-01.26 Rieley Properties, LLC & The Snyder FC Commercial Properties, LLC request a discretionary permit to subdivide Finney Crossing Lot C-3 an approx. 2.74-acre lot at 281 Holland Lane and 668 Zephyr Road in the Taft Corners Zoning District (TCZD).
DP 20-20.1 Pidgeon Farm Properties c/o Jesse Carswell requests a discretionary permit for a 3,000 sf commercial addition and Master Sign Plan at 375 Engineers Drive in the Industrial Zoning District West (IZDW).
- APP 23-02 Appellants Peter and Abigail Mead file an appeal of AP 23-0181, an administrative permit issued to James Becker for his home business, Tumbleweed Sugar Company at 177 Brook Hollow Road in the Agriculture/Rural Residential Zoning District (ARZD).
Documents submitted with an application for DRB review and comment letters are uploaded to the website as a courtesy to the public and are not necessarily current and complete.