Please note: The site visit at Cottonwood Crossing has been rescheduled to 6:00 pm on September 26, 2023.
- HP 23-04 Paul Dickin and Susie Posner-Jones request a Certificate of Appropriateness for an addition to the rear/north end of the existing dwelling at 8099 Williston Road located in the National Register Historic District of the Village Zoning District.
- HP 23-05 McKew and Katie Devitt request a Certificate of Appropriateness to modify door/windows on the rear 1-story ell of the existing dwelling at 8210 Williston Road located in the National Register Historic District of the Village Zoning District.
DP 16-01.1 The Floor Trader of Williston requests discretionary permit review of a master sign plan for 96 Commerce Street in the Industrial Zoning District West (IZDW).
RESCHEDULED TO 9/26/2023: DP 16-05.5 Allen Brook Development Inc. c/o Al Senecal requests a discretionary permit to modify the phasing plan for Phase 1 infrastructure, modify the Overall Phasing Plan, modify the construction staging area, and amend the overall site plan with as-built conditions. Cottonwood Crossing is located at 27, 28, 31, 32 Cottonwood Drive and 323 Connor Way in the Taft Corners Form-Based Code Overlay District and Mixed-Use Residential Zoning District (MURZD).
Documents submitted with an application for DRB review and comment letters are uploaded to the website as a courtesy to the public and are not necessarily current and complete.