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Development Review Board - November 14, 2017

Update 11/9/2017: DP 18-07 rescheduled for November 28, 2017. 

Documents submitted with an application for DRB review are uploaded as a courtesy to the public and are not necessarily current and complete. The most up-to-date information is available in the Planning and Zoning Office, located in the Town Hall Annex at 7878 Williston Road. Our office is open Monday to Friday, 8am - 4:30pm.

Comment letters received the Wednesday before a DRB meeting will be distributed to board members. Typed letters with comments, questions, or additional information are accepted by mail, email, or in-person and are added to the public record. Please provide 10 hardcopies if your letter is longer than 1 double-sided page or submitted at the meeting.


DP 10-34 Amendment #3 Chittenden Solid Waste District (CSWD) requests a discretionary permit to make stormwater improvements at the composting facility located at 1021 Redmond Road in the Industrial Zoning District West (IZDW).

DP 18-06 Vermont Hotel Group LLC requests pre-application review of a 96-room 4-story hotel at 34 Blair Park Road (Lot #9) in the Business Park Zoning District (BPZD).

DP 18-08 Shawn Handy of DDH GSH Trust requests pre-application review of a 4-lot subdivision a 96.3 acre parcel at 1337 Old Stage Road in the Agricultural/ Rural Residential Zoning District (ARZD). 

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