In Public Records and Documents:
Development Review Board - November 28, 2017
Update 11/29/2017: The public hearing for DP 18-09 LaMarche/Brownell subdivision has been continued to December 12, 2017. Update 11/9/2017: DP 18-07 rescheduled from November 14, 2017 to November 28, 2017. Documents submitted with an application for DRB review are uploaded as a courtesy to the public and are not necessarily current and complete. The most up-to-date information is available in the Planning and Zoning Office, located in the Town Hall Annex at 7878 Williston Road. Our office is open Monday to Friday, 8am - 4:30pm. AGENDA ITEMS: DP 18-07 Burlington Beer Company requests pre-application review of interior expansions, exterior expansions, and site improvements at 25 Omega Drive, Suite 150 in the Industrial Zoning District West (IZDW). DP 09-01 Amendment #12 Snyder FC Commercial Properties, LLC and Rieley Properties, LLC request a discretionary permit to construct a 100-room hotel with related parking and site improvements and to complete Holland Lane at 5987 Williston Road in the Taft Corners Zoning District (TCZD). DP 18-09 Randee Brownell and Jo LaMarche request pre-application review of a 7-lot subdivision of a 51.3 acre parcel with existing dwelling at 4354 South Brownell Road in the Agricultural/ Rural Residential Zoning District (ARZD). DP 18-10 RPK Enterprises, LLC requests a discretionary permit for outdoor storage at Vermont Mechanical Inc. at 211 Blair Park Road in the Industrial Zoning District West (IZDW). AP 18-091; HP 18-04: The Town of Williston requests a Certificate of Appropriateness to install a sign for Williston Central School on Town of Williston property in the “additional review area” at the corner of central School Drive and Williston Road. AP 18-071; HP 18-013: The Williston Federated Church requests a Certificate of Appropriateness to install a new freestanding sign in the Village Zoning District and Williston Village National Register Historic District. |