Election Information
Scroll to the Bottom of this page for Warnings and Sample Ballots Voter's Guide and Sample Ballots at My Voter Page
Your Ballot for the November 5th General Election has been mailed.
What I have for supplies are for day-of and any new voters only.
Return Your Ballot to the Drop Box behind the Town Hall
or bring it to the polls and put it in the tabulator yourself.
Polling place for all of Williston is the National Guard Armory at 7846 Williston Rd. Polls are always open from 7am-7pm
For August and November elections, you have to know what district you live in: Map of CHI-8 District Map of CHI-2 District
Try this fun link to see what Rep. District you fall in: CHI-2 OR CHI-8 (this does not apply to Local Elections. August & November only) https://vcgi.maps.arcgis.com/apps/instant/lookup/index.html?appid=0d2e6ffa59d44caabe5803dea178eb79
This Year's Elections: General Election. November 5th, 2024 For November ONLY, per new state law, all active registered voters will be mailed a ballot from the Secretary of State's Office.
EARLY VOTING ENDS AT NOON ON MONDAY BEFORE ANY ELECTION. The town clerk's office will be closed for set-up at noon on Monday 11/04/24. Please visit My Voter Page where you can request absentee ballots, update your name, address (within your current town) and more.
Register to vote, or if you've moved use: olvr.vermont.gov or with the paper form: Voter Registration Form We have a secure drop box for ballot return. It is located in the rear parking lot of the Town Hall. It was installed so you can drive right up to it, place your ballot inside without having to exit your vehicle. It is checked multiple times a day and even on weekends during Election Season.
IF YOU ARE NOT REGISTERED TO VOTE IN WILLISTON YET: You can now register to vote online at: Online Registration or by mail/in person with the Voter Registration Form If you want an absentee ballot, you can request one by using My Voter Page, calling our office or use the form below. 878-5121 x1. or email Town Clerk Sarah Mason