Town Clerk
Town Clerk: Sarah Mason Assistant Town Clerk: Jen Munson
7900 Williston Road
Williston, VT 05495
Office Hours: 8-4:30 M-F
The Williston Town Clerk's Office is where our residents can get information regarding many town issues. If it's not our department, we will point you in the right direction. The Clerk's office is responsible for election administration, voter registration, maintaining birth, death and marriage records, issuing marriage licenses and providing certified copies of aforementioned vital records. And, almost most importantly, is the organization, digitization and restoration of all real estate document recording. We also notarize documents, issue Green Mountain Passes, and license our canine residents. The town clerk is elected and assistant clerks are appointed by the clerk. Neither are overseen by the town manager and/or selectboard. Passports: BY APPOINTMENT ONLY - Get your forms and questions answered here: https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/passports.html
Land Records are online at US Land Records. Some searches may yield results as far back as the 1980s. On-line records are not all inclusive. For a complete title search of our official records, please visit our office. Miscellaneous and Town Proceeding books start about 2000 to present online. If you are in need of a document that does not have the image online, you must come into the office to obtain a copy or view it. Copies are $3 per page online. Lister Cards are now available online click here Tax Bills can be requested by emailing the Town Treasurer, Mary Gratton at mgratton@willistonvt.org
Green Mountain Passports are $2 and provide free State Park entry if you are 62 years or older, or a Veteran. You must be a Williston resident and this is done in person in the office by the applicant only. |