In Public Records and Documents:
Planning Commission March 3, 2020
Meetings are open to the public. When: 7:00 PM on first and third Tuesdays every month Where: Town Hall Annex Conference Room, 7878 Williston Road (unless otherwise noted) For more information about the Planning Commission and it's members, click here. 1) 7:00 PM CALL TO ORDER 2) PUBLIC COMMENT 3) MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 18, 2020 4) NOTICES FROM OTHER JURISDICTIONS a) None 5) PUBLIC HEALTH COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS a) Staff Memo 6) ENERGY PLAN REVIEW a) Staff Memo b) Review Draft Energy Plan dated 2.14.2020 c) Vote to Schedule Public Hearing on Energy and Public Health Comprehensive Plan Amendments 7) FORUM ON GROWTH – MARCH 17, 2020 a) Agenda Update b) Review Poster (PC members to hang up posters around town) 8) ADJOURN