Williston photos
Planning Commission August 4, 2020

August 4, 2020 - 7:00 P.M.

Virtual Location: Meeting ID 158-006-871 on zoom.us/join or 1-646-558-8656



3)    MINUTES OF JULY 21, 2020


5)    Bylaw- Chapter 14 Parking Standards

(staff presentation; review materials below:)

Draft Chapter Revisions:

    1. WDB Chapter 14- Parking- Proposed Revisions (Track Changes on) - read 
    2. WDB Chapter 14- Parking- Proposed Revisions (Clean Copy, easier to read) - skim

6)      FY2021 CALENDAR AND WORKPLAN (optional skim)

No discussion needed, no changes since 7/21

7)      ANNUAL REPORT (read)

Review draft & proposed changes


(no discussion or decisions required)

  1.        July 28 – first scheduled Selectboard hearing for Energy Plan and Public Health amendments- second hearing scheduled for 9/1/2020
  2.        The Growth and Open Space survey is live- thank you to PC members for all of your feedback on the survey questions and design. Please encourage all your contacts in Williston to take the survey, which can be found at this link. So far we have over 120 respondents.

9)      ADJOURN



  •   August 18- RZD Open Space and Forum on Growth
  •   September 1- Form Based Code Consultant advice, debrief from 8/18 and decide on RZD Open Space request


For further information, please call the Planning & Zoning offices at 878-6704 or go to www.town.williston.vt.us and click on “Public Records & Documents, then “Agendas & Minutes.” 

Zoom Meeting ID: 158-006-871

How to Participate: Due to COVID-19, town board meetings are being held virtually using Zoom. No physical space is required for open meeting law as of Monday, March 30, 2020. Zoom is free to the public and does not require registration or log-in. Public comment at this hearing is welcomed and encouraged using the following methods:

  1.             Access Zoom for free on your computer or smartphone: https://zoom.us/j/158006871
  2.             Call-in to the webinar: Dial 1-646-558-8656, enter the webinar ID, and press # when prompted
  3.             Mail or email public testimony prior to the hearing (eheymann@willistonvt.org; letters to: Town of Williston, c/o Planning Commission, 7900 Williston Road, Williston VT 05495)
  4.             Free WiFi (no password needed) is available from the parking lot and patio of the Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, 21 Library Lane, Williston VT 05495.

Please note: It can take 5-10 minutes to download and connect to Zoom for the first time—so we suggest doing this in advance of a meeting that you wish to view or participate in. Zoom works best if you download the Web Client, but can be accessed from a web browser. If you need help connecting to Zoom, please feel free to contact Emily Heymann, Planner, Monday-Friday, 8-4:30 PM at 802-878-6704 ext. 3 or eheymann@willistonvt.org

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