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Building Use Policy

Building Use Policy


The Town of Williston offers space for public meetings in the Fire Station, Police Station, Town Hall, Town Hall Annex, and Library.  The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines for the use of these facilities to permit the frequent use of these facilities while ensuring the safe and proper use of the buildings and related facilities.

General Policies:

Smoking - No smoking is allowed in any Town owned buildings,.
Alcohol - No alcohol is allowed in any Town owned buildings or on Town owned land,.
Library - Specific use policies for the Library shall be established by the Library Board of Trustees.
Applicability - This policy does not apply to the Old Brick Church or town recreation facilities.  Specific policies for the use of these facilities shall be determined by the Old Brick Church Trustees and the Recreation Committee respectively.
Williston Fire Department – Specific use policies for the Training Room shall be established by the Fire Chief.

Permitted Uses:

The Town of Williston will make its facilities available on a first come, first serve basis for, groups and organizations listed below, to use during times when the facilities are not being utilized by the Town of Williston. Use of the facilities by private organizations, individuals or businesses will not be permitted. Exceptions may be granted on a case by case basis.

1.      Town boards, commissions, committees, staff or town sponsored programs;

2.      Local social service or community service groups, neighborhood associations;

3.      Federal, state, regional or local non-profit groups which wholly or in part benefit Williston residents or employees; and

4.      Professional associations which wholly or in part benefit town employees.

Use Fees:

No fees will be charged by the Town.


1.      One person (over the age of 18) for each group must be designated and will be held responsible for the actions of the members of that group.

2.      If any damage occurs to a Town facility as a result of a group’s use, cost may be assessed to that group.

3.      Contact person is responsible for securing the room after use by their group, turning off all lights, and clearing out trash and group materials.

Reservations may be made by calling the Town Manager’s Office, completing the on-line reservation form available on the town web site, or by completing a paper form and delivering it to the Town Manager’s Office. (please note - contact the Library for reservation requests for that space). 
Reservations will be granted on a first come, first served basis. 
The Town of Williston reserves the right to cancel, reschedule, or postpone any activity at its sole discretion.
Submission of an application does not guarantee acceptance.
No fees can be charged attendees of any meeting held in a public facility without written permission from the Town of Williston.
The fact that an organization is granted permission to meet in any town-owned building in no way constitutes endorsement by the town of the policies or beliefs of that organization.

Code Compliance:

All groups using Town facilities must comply with all local, state and federal codes, regulations and laws, including all fire and safety codes.

Adopted by the Selectboard

December 3, 2007

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