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WDB Chapter 9 - Committee Role and Responsibilities Advisory Committee Composition. Advisory committees will vary with the nature of the proposed plan, but should include:

  •          at least one Planning Commission member;  
  •          one or more representatives of other town boards, as they may be affected or involved;
  •          one or more representatives of the affected neighborhood;
  •          representatives from adjoining municipalities and state agencies, as they may be affected or involved, or offer special expertise;
  •          members representing the community at large; and
  •          independent experts qualified to contribute to and evaluate the work of the applicants as the specific plan is developed, who may serve as ex officio members.

 The goal is to create a committee that is both broadly representative of those whose interests may be affected by the proposed specific plan and well-qualified. Deadline. The Planning Commission shall impose a reasonable deadline on the work of a specific plan advisory committee.

9.3.4 How will the specific plan be developed? The applicants will work with the advisory committee and/or staff to develop a specific plan within the deadline established by the Planning Commission. The applicants will be responsible for the costs of this process, including scheduling and conducting meetings, which must be public meetings, and providing the services of attorneys, designers, facilitators, and planners, as needed.

9.3.5 What will the specific plan include? A specific plan is a detailed guideline for the development or redevelopment of a given site, or sites, presented in the form of proposed amendments to the town’s Comprehensive Plan and this bylaw. A specific plan also includes a plan for the provision of any major public infrastructure needed to serve the development or redevelopment it enables. See the Specific Plan Contents Checklist for details.

9.3.6 What can a specific plan change? The Plan. A specific plan can refine and add detail to the objectives and policies of the Town Plan, provided that it is consistent with and implements the overall vision stated in the Town Plan. The Bylaw. A specific plan can refine the standards adopted in this bylaw. It can also create new zoning districts, with their own standards. No specific plan can change the administrative procedures established in this bylaw or state statute.

9.3.7 Presentation of the specific plan. The advisory committee and applicants will, upon completing their work, present the proposed specific plan to the Planning Commission at the next regularly scheduled meeting at which time will allow its consideration.

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