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Email Newsletter
Stay up to date on town activities and notices by using the convenient form below to sign up for our email newsletter/list. Select from one or more of our newsletters/lists:
  1. Bid Notices - Receive notices of items being bid out by the Town.
  2. Brick Church Music Series - Receive notices of upcoming concerts and other related information.
  3. Planner’s Corner Newsletter - Receive notices from the Planning & Zoning Office about upcoming meetings for Development Review Board (DRB), Planning Commission (PC), Conservation Commission (WCC), Historic & Architectural Advisory Committee (HAAC), Catamount Forest Committee, Mobility Projects Group, and other public engagement opportunities.
  4. Important Dates/Events/Reminders - Receive notices of important events and dates including reminders of when taxes and water bills are due, town hall closings, dog registration reminders, major town meetings, and other important events.
  5. Job announcements - Receive notices of an employment opportunities for the Town of Williston
  6. Legal Notices - Receive copies of any legal notices being sent out by the Town.
  7. Library Programs - Receive information about the various programs and activities offered by the Town's Library.
  8. Recreation NewsletterSign up to receive the monthly E-Rec. Newsletter for up to date program information for all ages.
Use the convenient form below to sign up and remember:
    • Select all of the lists below you wish to receive and remember to push the SUBMIT button at the bottom before you leave the site.
    • You can manage your subscription from every email you receive through this mailing list.
    • Simply click on the "Manage your Subscription" link at the bottom of the message.
    • Your name won't be added to any other lists
    • We will keep you informed of our great events
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