Stay up to date on town activities and notices by using the convenient form below to sign up for our email newsletter/list. Select from one or more of our newsletters/lists:
- Bid Notices - Receive notices of items being bid out by the Town.
- Brick Church Music Series - Receive notices of upcoming concerts and other related information.
- Planner’s Corner Newsletter - Receive notices from the Planning & Zoning Office about upcoming meetings for Development Review Board (DRB), Planning Commission (PC), Conservation Commission (WCC), Historic & Architectural Advisory Committee (HAAC), Catamount Forest Committee, Mobility Projects Group, and other public engagement opportunities.
- Important Dates/Events/Reminders - Receive notices of important events and dates including reminders of when taxes and water bills are due, town hall closings, dog registration reminders, major town meetings, and other important events.
- Legal Notices - Receive copies of any legal notices being sent out by the Town.
- Library Programs - Receive information about the various programs and activities offered by the Town's Library.
- Recreation Newsletter - Sign up to receive the monthly E-Rec. Newsletter for up to date program information for all ages.
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