In Public Records and Documents:
Meeting Agenda - April 14, 2022
Williston Cemetery Commission Meeting Agenda Thursday, April 14, 2022
Old Brick Church Meeting Room
3:00 PM
Old Business Secretary’s Report- Hazel Budget Report- Shirley Goodell-Lackey’s input Cornerstone contract with Bianchi- Bea Cornerstone storage at DPW depot, Avenue A- Jack Mapping enlargement, planning technician, “scanning?”
New Business East Cemetery fencing job estimates, financing of expense- Jack Sale of Lots- Bea and Drew Burial schedule- Bea Change of grave-prep fee for Bob Gokey- Bea Opening schedule and Mother’s Day/ East burial exceptions Clean-up/mulching of Memorial Garden (Brian Metzenzahl) order mulch Residual gravestone repair- Hazel re: Woody Evaluation of lime application in East, section 5- Drew and Jack Paupers Grave research at Morse- Drew Posting of board opening for Bea’s replacement- Jack