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Meeting Minutes - October 20, 2022
October 20, 2022

*Meeting held in the Police Department conference room.

 Members present:

   Jack Price
   Drew Nelson
   Cameron Clark
   Shannon Hiltner
   Hazel Winter

Others present:

  Bea Harvey

The meeting was called to order at 3:00 p.m. The September 22, 2022 minutes were approved by the Commission. The Commission next discussed the budget. They also reported that there have been three burials since the September 22, 2022 meeting.

The Commission discussed a recent violation of interment rules and a decision was brought to a successful conclusion. 

The Commission noted that the McCullough lot in East has no corner stones and that many of the old lots in sections 1, 2, and 3 have none. They anticipate this will be corrected over time.

They next discussed Columbaria. A motion was made to allow one columbarium per lot, a maximum of four niches per that columbarium and all other rules and regulations will apply.  All were in favor and the motion passed.

The Commission received a request for a cremation burial with the man's parents, and the decision was made that this will be allowed under Section 4.E, thus allowing an extra burial with a grass marker. The Commission was unanimously in agreement with the decision.

They next discussed that locks were lost when the new fence was put in and that Commissioner Clark will provide new locks in time for closing of the cemeteries.  Commissioner Price will put the signs back up that indicate the middle walk-in gate.

Shelves will be installed in the shed in East to store items left in the cemetery for the winter and held for a time before disposed of.

Commissioner Clark has flag duty again and will be assisted by Commissioner Hiltner. This will happen after Veteran's Day.

The Commission plans to update maps during the off season. Commissioners Clark and Hiltner will assist by showing where to mark the maps.

There is one stone remaining that will be placed before the season closes.

The Commission reported that Woody has been contacted about the down and broken stone in Chittenden and will check on it to see if he can have it done by the 27th of this month. 

The next meeting November 17, 2022 at the Police Department conference room at 3 PM

Meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m.


Respectfully Submitted,

Hazel Winter, Secretary 

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