In Public Records and Documents:
Meeting Minutes 7-12-16
July 12, 2016 Cemetery Meeting
Members present: Don Thurston, Bea Harvey and Hazel Winter Meeting called to order 6 PM
Just a note that Section 6 is a disgrace to look at. It's a result of too little rain, too much sand, and a whole lot of moles. Working on mole problem.
Memorial Garden is being laid out in a grid. Bob has built a frame, and it will be put in place, under cover, and moved when filled. We do have several burial spots left. 2 more stones will be added this year.
2 grave stones in Chittenden Cemetery need fixing now. They are tipping back and make mowing very difficult. One of them could easily get knocked by the mower. Looking into getting designated stones fixed.
As the Desmond burial has turned into a nightmare, there was much brainstorming over what to do. We feel we may have an answer as Bob came up with a terrific idea. Put the stone between the two.
Put another ad in the local paper for members for the Cemetery Commission.
FYI June 30, 2016 we have had 11 Military Burials, 24 Cremations, and 8 Full Burials.
Meeting adjourned 8 PM
Respectfully submitted,
Hazel Winter, Secretary |