In Public Records and Documents:
Meeting Minutes 12-13-16
Cemetery Meeting December 13, 2016
The December meeting of the Cemetery Commissioners came to order at 6:35 P.M. with Don Thurston, Ginger Isham, Jack Price and Bea Harvey present. Hazel Winter was not able to attend.
Don presented the proposed budget for 2017-18 for discussion. The members compared the present budget to estimated expenses for 2017-18. After some discussion and explanations by Don, the Commissioners approved the proposed budget to be presented by Don to the Select Board.
We discussed the written report of the Commissioners to appear in the Town Report. Bea is to write it up and give to Don before Dec. 28. Bea gave the updated cemetery maps for Deer View and East Cemetery to Don, Jack and Ginger. Hazel will also receive hers. As new members Ginger and Jack received some written descriptions of procedures.
We discussed meeting in January and February and decided to meet in March unless we feel earlier meetings are necessary.
Meeting adjourned at 8:25 P.M.
Respectfully submitted by Bea Harvey (subbing in for Hazel) |