In Natural Resources:
Williston Adopt-A-Trail The Adopt-A-Trail program is a great opportunity for community members to volunteer and get involved in local conservation. A prospective Adopter chooses a trail, plans their maintenance visits throughout the year to check on the trail’s condition, clear drainage, prune vegetation, and reports larger maintenance needs to the Town. Additional information and application forms can be found below. Questions? Contact Andrew Plumb, Conservation Planner and Adopt-A-Trail Area Manager at or (802) 878-6704. How to Adopt a Trail
* All forms, applications, and other resources can be found on the Town of Williston’s website under the Adopt-A-Trail page. Town of Williston Adopt-A-Trail Frequently Asked Questions What is the Adopt-A-Trail Program? The Town of Williston’s Adopt-A-Trail Program provides volunteering opportunities for community members. Local volunteers assist Planning and Zoning Department staff through monitoring and maintaining town trails and traiheads. Who can adopt a trail? Anyone with any interest in trails, the outdoors, or stewardship- school and youth groups, community and service organizations, scout troops, businesses, church groups, families, individuals, or groups of individuals can adopt a trail. Two people may also co-adopt a trail if they wish. What can volunteers do? Adopt-A-Trail volunteers assist Planning and Zoning Department staff with managing and maintaining the Town’s trail systems. Activities include keeping the trail free of debris like sticks and rocks, pruning small limbs from the trail corridor, cleaning waterbars and drainage ditches, and clearing debris from bridges, stairs, and viewing platforms. Additional responsibilities involve maintaining trailheads and parking lots, and reporting vandalism, trail hazards, or safety issues. Why participate? Adopting a trail is a great opportunity for anyone to get actively involved in conservation. Helping maintain local trails improves the resource for all to enjoy while bringing trail and nature enthusiasts closer to their environment and community. You’ll get to enjoy time outdoors and help your local community simultaneously. Where can I borrow basic maintenance tools? The Williston Planning and Zoning Office has a small selection of tools available to be loaned out to adopters. Adopters need to ask the Conservation Planner for the tool(s), sign them out on a sheet, and return them by the end of the work day to ensure all tools are kept organized. How do I complete the Trail Assessment and Work Report? The town is keen to monitor the work done by volunteers. You can report by email to the Conservation Planner. We encourage you to use the Survey 123 App to document work. The App can be downloaded to your phone and the report filled out as you walk the trail. Specific instructions on using Survey 123 are listed below. Completing Trail Assessment Using Survey 123 To access the Trail Assessment Survey:
*After downloading the application, it may ask you to sign in. To avoid this, follow the provided link to the survey. This information, and more details, can be found in the Adopter's Handbook on page 8. Additional Resources and Further Readings Williston Trails, Conservation Areas, and Country Parks About Watershed Protection Buffers AMC's Complete Guide to Trail Building and Maintenance* *The Williston library has a copy of the second edition of the AMC field guide to trail building and maintenance About Invasive Species in Vermont- ANR |