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Ordinance Adoption process

Under state law and through the Town Charter, the Selectboard can promulgate ordinances and rules that have the full force of law provided the ordinances or rules are authorized by statute or charter.  In order to adopt an ordinance, the town must follow the procedure outlined in chapter 59, title 24.

Typically a new ordinance or an amendment to an existing ordinance is prepared by staff  for review by the Board.  The Board, as part of its review process may make changes and if the Board wishes to proceed with adopting the ordinance or amendments, must schedule a public hearing.  Following the close of the public hearing the Board can make further changes which may require a second public hearing or can choose to adopt the proposed ordinance/amendments. 

Following the adoption of the ordinance/amendment, a notice of adoption must be published in the paper.  Williston residents then have 45 days to file a petition for a vote on the ordinance/amendment, if they wish to overturn the Selectboard's decision.  If no petition if filed, the ordinance/amendments go into effect 60 days from the date of adoption by the Board.
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