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Historic and Design Advisory Committee

This Committee was formed in 2006 through the merger of two existing Committees - the Historic Preservation Committee and the Design Advisory Committee. In November 2023, the bylaw was amended to rename the committee  from "Historic and Architecture Advisory Committee (HAAC)" to "Historic and Design Advisory Committee (HDAC)." This change reflects the committee's evolving role after the adoption of Form-Based Code, where permit review is administrative and the detailed, quantitative FBC standards replace the need for advisory recommendations. 'Design' reflects that both building architectural and site layout are under their purview pursuant to WDB Chapter 22. The five (5) members are appointed by the Selectboard for three-year overlapping terms.

The Historic and Design Advisory Committee (HDAC) is responsible for making recommendations to the Development Review Board on applications subject to the Unified Development Bylaws within the Design Review Overlay pursuant to Chapter 22.  They also make recommendations regarding Certificates of Appropriateness for proposed construction, reconstruction, alteration, subdivision or other specified development in the Village Zoning District.  In addition, they provide guidance on preservation to owners of historic structures and perform other duties as set forth in the bylaws and state law (24 V.S.A. 4407).

Decisions by the Committee do not bind the Development Review Board but bring a broader community perspective to decisions about areas of the community that may contain structures of historical, architectural, or cultural merit and other areas in which there is a concentration of community interest and participation, such as a central business district, civic center, or similar grouping or focus of activities.

This committee meets on an as-needed basis. When needed, the HDAC meets on first and/or third Tuesdays at 5:30 pm in the Town Hall Annex Conference Room, 7878 Williston Road, and online with Zoom. 

Click here for meeting agendas and minutes. 

Current Members (term expires at end of listed fiscal year):

John Marcotte, Vice Chair, 2025 

Emily Morton, Chair, 2027

Alex Pintair, 2027

Vacancy, 2026 

Vacancy, 2027


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