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Conservation Prioritization

In 2020 the town used Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technology to conduct a prioritization analysis to identify and prioritize parcels of privately-owned land in Williston that have high conservation value. The analysis outcome is intended to be used as a decision support tool for the Conservation Commission when considering purchases of land or development rights through the town’s Environmental Reserve Fund, as such opportunities arise. It is not intended for regulatory purposes. Parcels were evaluated on criteria including watershed protection, wildlife habitat, viewshed protection, desired trails and trail connections, agricultural soils, and proximity to other conserved parcels. Also considered was the degree to which parcels are constrained by factors like steep slopes, flood hazards, wetlands and lack of water and wastewater infrastructure. Heavily constrained parcels are less likely to be developed than unconstrained parcels.

The resulting prioritization matrix and map, as well as project documentation, can be accessed via the linked documents below. 



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