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Sucker Brook Hollow Country Park

The Williston Conservation Commission has recently updated the management plan for the Sucker Brook Hollow Country Park, a 19.69-acre parcel of land located at 5035 St. George Rd. Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Jeanette Hill of Bristol, Vermont donated the property to the town on May 24, 2004. The Vermont Housing and Conservation Board (VHCB) and the Vermont Land Trust (VLT) co-hold a conservation easement on the property. In addition, the Plan outlines management of the Boomhower Trail Easement located on an abutting 76-acre parcel of land currently owned by Daniel Boomhower, and the Becker Trail Easement located on an abutting 50-acre parcel south of the Boomhower parcel and currently owned by James Becker (formerly the Bartlett property, and before that the O’Brien property). The property and adjoining trail easements are managed for 1) the enhancement of outdoor recreational opportunities; 2) the preservation of natural and scenic resources; and 3) the restoration and maintenance of the Sucker Brook.

February 2023 Video: Want to learn more? Join Vermont Master Naturalists Alicia Daniel and Laura Meyer as they hike through Sucker Brook Natural Area in Williston reading the landscape from bedrock to birds. They will meet up with landscape historian, Sam Ford, in Sucker Hollow where she reveals some of the stories behind the human built features on the landscape from stonewalls to an old sawmill. Laura is also a member of the Williston Conservation Commission. Youtube video here

The Management Plan and Appendices are available below.

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