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Meeting Minutes - October 17, 2024
October 17, 2024

Meeting held in the Annex Conference Room at 7878 Williston Road, Williston VT. 

MEMBERS PRESENT:      Jack Price, Hazel Winter, Drew Nelson, and Cameron Clark

ABSENT:                         None

OTHERS PRESENT:         Assistant Town Manager Erin Dickinson and Bea Harvey (former Commissioner)

The meeting was called to order at 2:30 p.m.

There were no public comments.

The draft minutes from the September 12, 2024, meeting were presented. Drew Nelson made a motion to approve the minutes, which was seconded by Cameron Clark. The Commission unanimously approved the minutes as presented.

The Commission will review the budget report provided, this morning, by Treasurer Mary Gratton at their next meeting.

Drew Nelson reported that from September 12, 2024, to the present, there have been 4 interments, 2 confirmed pending interments, and 9 new lot sales. Deer View has about 81 lots currently available for sale.

Jack Price provided an update on the completion of the Memorial Garden landscape renovations. He also reported on monument cleaning for East Cemetery sections 1-3.  

The Commission also discussed monument cleaning in Chittenden and additional work in the East and Chittenden cemeteries.

Price next reported on the restoration of a plot in East Cemetery section 6, where the entire lot had been improperly covered with mulch, which is not allowed under cemetery regulations. The family heirs were notified of the violation, and the plot has since been restored to sod. Additionally, several unapproved and damaged items from the plot have been removed and are being stored for the family to retrieve upon request.

Price reported that cows had damaged the western fence line of East Cemetery. The farmer has since installed an electric fence on the farm side to prevent further damage and has committed to restabilizing the cemetery fence.

Price also reported on an unauthorized tree in a container that was in Morse Cemetery. Public Works removed it.

Price received a request from the Essex Boy Scouts Club to place a geocache in Morse Cemetery, near a tree along the fence line. The Commission discussed the request and asked for more details. Price will follow up with the Boy Scouts to gather the additional information, and the Commission will revisit the request at their next meeting.

Finally, the Commission discussed several proposed changes to the Cemetery Rules and Regulations. Assistant Town Manager Erin Dickinson also shared several additional edits for consideration. The Commission will continue discussion on proposed changes at their next meeting.

Clark will coordinate the removal of veteran flags with the Boy Scouts.

The Commission’s next meeting will be held November 21, 2024, at 2:30 p.m. at the Annex Conference Room at the Town Annex Building, 7878 Williston Road, Williston, VT.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 4:03 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Hazel Winter, Secretary 


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