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Town of Williston Stormwater Program

Stormwater Program Overview                                                                              In 2015 the Town of Williston adopted a Stormwater Fee which created a designated funding source for the Stormwater Program. The Stormwater Fee is similar to those of South Burlington and Burlington, the first and second stormwater utilities established in Vermont. The fee is reflected on the water and sewer bill for those who receive those bills and a separate bill is mailed to residents not connected to the municipal water and sewer system. This designated funding source has allowed the Town to retain a full time Stormwater Coordinator dedicated to managing the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer (MS4) permit required by the EPA and State of Vermont to discharge stormwater to "Waters of the United States." In addition to managing the MS4 permit requirements the Stormwater Coordinator is a resource for local residents and business owners who are interested in learning more about how they can minimize their impacts to our local lakes, rivers, and streams. For more information about the Stormwater Program and how you can help reduce the impacts from your community check out the information available on our website or email Stormwater@willistonvt.org.  


Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4) Program

The Town of Williston discharges stormwater under the authority of a Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) General Permit issued by the State of Vermont Agency of Natural Resources. As a condition of the permit, the Town is required to develop a Stormwater Management Plan which addresses how the Town will prevent stormwater runoff from carrying potential pollutants to receiving surface waters. Potential pollution sources may include runoff from residential areas where excessive lawn treatment chemicals or fertilizers are applied, parking lots where vehicles may have leaked fluids and where salts are often applied during winter months, or construction sites where large areas of disturbances are common. Each of these potential pollutant sources need to be identified and mitigated to minimize their potential for commingling with stormwater runoff and eventually entering our waterways. For more information about this program click here or email Stormwater@willistonvt.org


Impaired Surface Waters

When receiving waters do not meet their intended use due to an identified pollutant additional standards for the stormwater that discharges to that waterbody may be required. In the Town of Williston stormwater discharges are received by seven surface waterbodies which include the Allen Brook, Johnnie Brook, Lake Iroquois, Muddy Brook, Shelburne Pond, Sucker Brook, and the Winooski River. Of these seven waterbodies Allen Brook, Muddy Brook, and Lake Iroquois are listed as impaired by the State of Vermont, but only the Allen Brook has discharge restrictions at this time. Muddy Brook and Lake Iroquois are being monitored as local cleanup efforts continue. 

While stormwater discharges from the Town don't directly discharge to Lake Champlain, Vermont Agency of Natural Resources has adopted regulations that require the Town to reduce Phosphorus loads in our Stormwater discharges which ultimately feed into Lake Champlain. For more information about this program click here or email Stormwater@willistonvt.org.  


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