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Mobility Projects Group

In August of 2019, the Williston Planning Commission adopted a resolution to establish a committee to work on two specific projects: developing an Official Map for the Town and exploring opportunities for other transportation facilities and programming, (like local park-and-rides, transit services, and beyond!) to help make Williston's transportation future more diverse, sustainable and efficient. The charge established for this group is posted at the bottom of this page. After several meetings, primarily in 2020, the draft Official Map was launched in September 2020 and a public survey in November 2020 with the help of Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission (CCRPC). The Official Map was updated based on survey input. Official Map was put on pause in 2021-2022 during the Taft Comers Form-Based Code and Vision process. In 2022, the Official Map was updated to include the streets, parks, and public spaces of the Form-Based Code Regulating Plan Map. In October 2022, the Official Map was adopted alongside Form-Based Code and became effective on October 25, 2022. 


Click here for agendas & minutes


2016 Williston Comprehensive Plan Language and Maps:

Transportation NetworkTransportation ImprovementsPublic Transportation , Primitive Trails 

Williston Comprehensive Plan Transportation Chapter

General Information about Official Maps in Vermont:

VPIC Official Maps

Vermont Statute § 4421. Official map 

Example Official Maps:

Hinesburg Map and Descriptions 

South Burlington Map  


Example Comprehensive Planning Documents:

Mad River Valley Active Transportation Plan 

Transportation Programming:

Microtransit in Montpelier

Flexible Public Transit in Low Density Urban Areas

Chittenden County Shared Mobility Regional Analysis

Street Design:

Vermont Green Streets Guide


Mashup Map of Existing Transportation Resources 

Interactive Online Map



Charge of the Planning Commission 

Whereas: The 2016 Williston Comprehensive Plan directs the town to continue to address all aspects of the movement of people and goods in Town via diverse modes of transportation, and

Whereas: There is the potential in Williston to develop transportation facilities and programs in Williston that supplement existing facilities and programs and allow for the movement of people and goods via those diverse modes, and

Whereas: These potential facilities and programs include new streets, paths and trails, enhanced park-and-ride areas, transit centers, secure bicycle storage areas, electric vehicle charging stations, microtransit, ride- and car-share services, and other facilities and programs that will provide diverse opportunities for the movement of people and goods in Williston, and Whereas: Within Vermont Law there exists the ability for towns to adopt an Official map which can be used to ensure that lands within public and private developments are set aside and dedicated to the aforementioned uses and facilities,

Be it Therefore resolved: That on this day, the Williston Planning Commission establishes the Williston Mobility Projects Committee, a subcommittee of the Planning Commission, and directs this new committee to develop:

1. an inventory of mode-shift facility locations and potential functions,

2. a comparative analysis of transportation programs that can ensure diverse modes of transportation are available throughout town and beyond the reach of existing transit service, and

3. a draft Official Map for consideration by the Planning Commission that identifies locations where new streets, paths, sidewalks, trails, and other facilities related to transportation are necessary to achieve the Town’s vision of providing diverse options for the movement of people and goods within and across its borders.

Resolved by the Williston Planning Commission on August 6, 2019

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