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Specific Plan Public Process

The Selectboard held a public hearing on January 16, 2024  and adopted Town Plan and Bylaw Amendments to proceed with the Glaser Specific Plan (SP 23-01) in strict conformance with the criteria and procedures of WDB Chapter 9. The amendments went into effect 21 days later on February 6, 2024. 


Summary of the Glaser Specific Plan Development Proposal: 

WDB SP 23-01 Glaser Specific Plan.
 "Parcel ID 09-012-082-000. The Glaser Specific Plan shall provide 50± acres of designated open space as substantial benefit for the purpose of upholding viewshed, working landscape, and conservation goals of the 2016-2024 Comprehensive Plan 13.2 and 13.3.3. The open space is two distinct areas: ±15-acres fronting on Mountain View Road with views of the Green Mountains and ±35-acres of pasture, wetland, and forest. The discretionary permit shall include irrevocable offer(s) of dedication to the Town for the ownership of the open space area(s). Floating easement(s) for path connectivity towards the south and west may be required across minor sections of private land that may exist between the proposed the dedicated town open space and multi-use path that connects the two neighborhood clusters (see Appendix K site plan for notations). Other bylaw amendments for SP 23-01 can be found in WDB 11.2.3, Refer to Appendix K for Specific Plan site plan and accompanying documents."


What is a specific plan?

In Williston, the specific plan is a tool that replaced the Planned Unit Development/Planned Residential Development (PUD/PRD) provisions. A specific plan is a detailed guideline for the development of a site presented in the form of proposed amendments to the Town Plan and zoning bylaws. If the development proposed by the applicants is not made, the underlying zoning remains in place. A specific plan must go through the same process required for amending the Town Plan and bylaws. A specific plan can refine and add detail to the objectives and policies of the Town Plan, provided that it is consistent with and implements the overall vision stated in the Town Plan. A specific plan can refine the standards in the bylaw, or create new zoning districts with their own standards. The specific plan process cannot begin without a finding, by the Planning Commission, that substantial public benefits could result. WDB 9 provides five options for substantial benefit, including the conservation of one or more open spaces assets identified in the Town Plan or other open space asset acceptable to the Conservation and Planning Commissions. A substantial benefit is an action taken at the applicant’s expense and goes above and beyond the requirements of the bylaws.



  • September 2022 - The applicant team filed a specific plan application
  • October 4, 2022 - The Planning Commission had their initial review of the application, pursuant to WDB 9.3.2. 
  • November 15December 6, and December 20, 2022. - The Planning Commission held a community meeting across three nights: On December 20, the Planning Commission voted with findings that a "substantial benefit could result" and establish an advisory committee.
  • January 3, 2023 - The Planning Commission established a Charge to the Applicant/Committee and appointed a committee.
  • January - May 2023 - The Advisory  Committee convened nine (9) times, including a site visit. The Committee held their last meeting on May 25, 2023 and voted to transmit the Specific Plan to the Planning Commission with a recommendation for approval.
  • June 6, 2023 - The advisory committee and applicant presented the Specific Plan to the Planning Commission pursuant to WDB 9.3.7. On June 6, 2023 the Planning Commission voted to warn public hearings on the town plan and bylaw amendments, pursuant to WDB 9.4. 
  • September 5, 2023 - Planning Commission pre-hearing work session. Staff presents recommendations following legal review. Refresh existing members and orient new members to the Specific Plan process and the Glaser Proposal
  • October 5, 2023 - The Planning Commission held a public hearing on town plan and bylaw amendments. After closing the hearing, the Commission voted 6-1 to transmit the amendments to the Selectboard. 
  • November 7 and November 21, 2023: Selectboard informational sessions
  • January 11, 2024 - Selectboard pre-hearing public informational session, 12-1pm on Zoom
  • January 16, 2024 - Selectboard held a public hearing on Town Plan and Bylaw Amendments. The Selectboard closed the hearing and voted unanimously to adopt the amendments. The amendments go into effect in 21 days on February 6, 2024 pursuant to 24 V.S.A. § 4442.  


Question? Contact: 

Emily Heymann, Senior Planner and Deputy Zoning Administrator
(802) 878-6704 ext. 3
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